Name: Sirkiiru

Gender: Male

Breed: Cat/Wolf (Shifter)

Mate: Tirya [Soon]

Likes: He likes to be left alone, so he's not really much of a social animal, quiet places, he likes Myria because she's nice, and, well saved his life and all

Dislikes: Loud noises, cities, parents, cars, the human world, humans in general, sewers, trash and more

Strengths: He's fast, and for a young shifter he's actually pretty strong, along with his overwhelming cautiousness towards anyone

Weaknesses: His cautiousness can prevent him from taking necessary risks, he's not invincible, and is most vulnerable when going from cat to wolf or wolf to cat, otherwise when he's shifting

Origin: Sirkiiru was pretty much born in a trash can then left for the rats. But the rats didn't get to him, instead, he was plucked out by a strange big cat. Well, a bit petite for her breed, or any big cat for that matter. Myria, a smilodon tiger mix. She took the kitten out and brushed her tongue over him. Spitting the taste out off to the side. She nosed his wet kitten fur before picking him up and using the trashcans and a dumpster to reach the roofs. Once she reached the end she lept down landing with a slight thud. Setting Sirkiiru down for a moment, so that she could catch her breath, she then looked around.
"Now... Where was that portal...?" She thought aloud in a murmur. The orange animal grabbed Sirkiiru again, carefully, before running off, she reached an old building and slipped into it. Walking down to the lower areas, the basement of the building. There were mirrors lining one side of the wall. Like an old ballet studio. She walked forward nudging every one until she sunk through one. She let out a muffled 'yes' and jumped through it.
Here she was, the land for all those strange creatures and people. A whole other world inside of another. Of course, only certain animals could go through. The reason Myria was out here, was because she was used to sensing these creatures. Like Sirkiiru. These animals sometimes will die if they are in the human world for too long. But then there are others that can fit in and are what bring scientists to see 'mutations' and such.
Moving through the thick forest she came upon her home after a while. Finally. This was a good thing, that she had managed to get the portal so close to her home. She laid the kitten down on the bed she had put together with some soft leaves and moss. She let out a breath and nudged the little guy. Hoping he was okay. He let out a soft meow.
"Oh good... Now... Food. Oh dear..." She said looking around.
So for a while he was with her, then they were joined by a male smilodon Servuris. Myria had convinced him she could help him with his demon curse, which she knew she could manage. And if not, then, she would deal somehow. Sirkiiru was six months by then. And he was ready to leave. It wasn't that he didn't mind Myria, he trusted her. She had saved him from death and taken care of him. However, he felt he was ready to leave, and felt that he couldn't trust Servuris enough to be around him. So he left.
It was around then that he ran into Tirya, freaking out a bit because she had attacked him pretty much. But once she got off him and calmed a bit, he was tense but okay with being around her. At this time he had not known she was like him in species. They parted, and he didn't think much of her. Though they met a few times as they were hunting. Spoke a bit and such before parting once more.
Still, he's alone. Living up in the trees since he's small enough to find a nice safe spot there for him.

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