Name: Tirya

Gender: Female

Breed: Wolf/Cat (Shifter)

Mate: Sirkiiru [Soon]

Likes: Ice cream, her parents, warm nights under the stars, the sky, clouds, playing in water, a cool breeze on a hot day

Dislikes: The cold, though she doesn't mind snow, being lost, being sick, coughing, bright lights, hateful critters, her fur being sticky

Strengths: She's quite fast and can chew through near anything, though she's still young so hasn't quite grown into all her strengths and such

Weaknesses: Being young she's not so smart and certainly doesn't know as much as an adult wolf, despite her speed she is clumsy as most pups/juveniles are

Origin: Tirya is quite young. She is the only daughter of Hailex and Taux. She loves her parents much and is still with them, not being very old. Going on about eight months or so.

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